Mind/Body Medicine & Holistic Hypnosis

Success Over Stress 

 Stress Awareness & Stress Management 

For Effective Performance & Healthy Living

Six Week Online Workshop taught by Arlene Prince

Trained in Mind/Body Medicine @ Harvard Medical School


This workshop is designed to teach self-care techniques needed to buffer daily stress and better face life's challenges at home and on the job.  

The workshop is based on a Harvard-researched course with proven benefits from using these learned skills in daily life:

What you will learn:

  • Understand Stress : What it is and how it affects you
  • Understand the connection between stress and physical, mental, and emotional problems and catastrophic illness
  • Learn how chronic stress contributes to and makes worse many medical conditions.  Harvard reports that well over 60% of all doctor visits are for stress related conditions
  • Learn a variety of techniques to elicit the Relaxation Response, scientifically proven to promote health, healing and well-being

Harvard Proven Benefits:

  • Improve memory, learning, concentration, creativity, intuition & raise IQ
  • Have more energy
  • Improve relationships
  • Improve sleep and overall health
  • Restore a sense of control over your life
  • Feel happier, more positive, and reduce anxiety
  • Experience Inner Peace


Dates: To be decided based on enrollment

Time: Week night 7-8 pm Eastern time. Day to be decided based on enrollment

Duration: 6 weeks

Cost: $180.00


Meet Experienced Instructor 

No photo description available.Arlene Prince brings more than fifty years of expertise in mind/body therapies for optimal health, healing and peak performance.  With advanced training in Mind/body Medicine and The Enhancement of Peak Performance from Harvard Medical School, she has dedicated her career to empowering individuals of all ages.  She has developed and successfully taught educational programs for hospitals, medical practices, organizations, schools and college.  In her private practice of twenty-eight years, she works individually with children, adults and families and uses telehealth to work with distance clients.


To Register, Call (not text)

Arlene Prince (845) 258-2021

Email: arleneprince1@gmail.com


Website: www.mindbodytherapies.net

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